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Region Business exists to envision and champion initiatives that fulfill our vision of turning Sacramento into an economic titan as California’s power center. Our organization is led by CEO’s of local companies who understand California’s role in incubating ideas that get adopted across the Country and the World. We believe the business community should play a larger role in exporting innovative solutions that can be replicated by communities everywhere. Therein, our initiatives are aggressive and bold solutions to elevate our economic future, create civic and cultural amenities, and enhance the value of living and working here.


The principles with which Region Business founded its guidelines, mission and accomplishments are: “A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.” We will operate completely fixed upon what is true, just, honorable and right; prioritizing these above every effort, regardless of gain. Therein, we will focus on what is best for both the industry and the community.


  • Leadership by demonstrating and expecting regional policy leadership.
  • Solutions by using a common-sense, policy-oriented approach to problem solving.
  • Collaboration by solving problems in a construction labor neutral manner.
  • Relationships by treating industry partners with respect.
  • Success by creating strong ties with local government officials and the community.
  • Stability by managing our resources in a transparent and ethical manner.